Hi. I'm Ari.

So, I run a small communications company up in Maine. And I believe that taxation and the ideology of inequality is what defines a society. Make the Wealthy Pay is a side project I started because I want to contribute in the fight for a better world, and being an old fat guy with not much $$$, I figured I should stick with what I'm good at: messaging and design.

Now, it may seem stupid, but a slogan can actually do a lot to influence global politics. You can think of a few that have, I'm sure. The fact is that as some of my merch says, "Propoganda Works." It works better for liars and hatemongers, but it can work for egalitarians too. So, this store is a humble attempt by me to put some effective slogans for good out there. If you like something buy it!

Want more context on how to talk about your hat (or whatever)?


Allowing the wealthy and large corporations to put unlimited amounts of money into elections corrupts society. The rich should not have more say than the rest of us.


When someone is willing to promise anything and tell any lie to get what they want, it is very hard to stop them. When there is a well-funded network of people supporting those lies, it is nearly impossible. Don’t be fooled. Propaganda works on humans.


Rules and regulations, and the people who enforce them, create the stable foundation for our society and allow people and businesses to succeed. 


It is time for the rich and corporations to pay their fair share. Our tax system is broken and the vast majority of us are being taken advantage of. Corporations that do the majority of business in the US market should have to pay taxes in the US. Wealthy people should be contributing more than middle class and poor people, not less.  


No one needs a billion dollars. Period. We should create a 100% tax for all personal wealth over $100,000,000. And that includes sneaky debt/collateral/stock bullshit. When money pools in a few hands it isn't doing its job, which is moving through the economy.

Can a hat really help?

A little. And sometimes a personal act of defiance can start a ripple that can grow into something bigger.